- Telewizja dozorowa
Systemy alarmowe
- Mini alarmy
- Układy Bezprzewodowe
- Centrale alarmowe
- Detektory PIR
- Podwójne detektory PIR + MW
- Detektory zbicia szkła
- Styki magnetyczne
- Czujniki wstrząsów
- Czujnik zalania
- Detektory wycieku gazu
- Detektor temperatury
- Czujki przeciwpożarowe
- Bezpieczeństwo obwodowe
- Urządzenia antywłamaniowe (przyciski)
- Akcesoria
- Akustyczne, optyczne urządzenia sygnalizacyjne
- Kable alarmowe
- Kontrola dostępu
- Interkomy kasowe
- Systemy sygnalizacji pożaru
- Domofony i wideodomofony
- Systemy automatyki bramowej i bariery
- Sieci LAN i Wi-Fi
- System ostrzegania
- Szafy przełączające i serwerowe, akcesoria
- Narzędzia
- Przewody, listwy i łączniki, trzymaki
- Zasilacze, Akumulatory, Transformator
- Akcesoria do przyczep kempingowych i kamperów
- Montaż elektryki
- Energia słoneczna
- Energia wiatrowa
- Kontakt
Alarm systems - general information.
Modern alarm systems are characterized by a wide range of technical solutions aimed at protecting property. But despite the type of solutions, each professional alarm system is built on elements that perform a similar set of functions. The brain of the alarm system is the central (control panel), the task of which is to select, process and respond to signals sent by detector devices.
Peripheral devices are the second group of devices indispensable in building a professional alarm system.
Peripheral devices can be divided into:
* Detector devices (detectors)
* Systems with multiple controllers
* Signaling devices (signaling devices)
* Communication devices (communicators)
Detector devices
For the selection, introductory verification of data and sending a signal to the central, alarm detectors are responsible. These devices regarding the type of verification used, the processing method are divided into:
* passive infrared detectors (PIR)
* dual detectors (e.g. PIR + MW, PIR + GB, etc.)
* glass break detectors (GB)
* seismic (shock) detectors
* contact detectors, magnetic (reed switches)
* other detectors, including fire sensors, gas
* active infrared detectors
Passive infrared detectors, combined detectors and active infrared detectors can be used for installation inside and outside buildings.
In case of receiving the corresponding signal from the detectors, the alarm system in operation mode includes an alarm signal, which can take various forms. The alarm and communication devices are responsible for the implementation phase of the alarm. Both of these groups serve to inform certain organizations about the alarm status at the facility, while signaling devices perform their function locally - directly in the protected area, communicators (transmitters), in turn, are responsible for transmitting information to the selected receivers (central security console) for outside the protected area.
Communicators, in addition to sending alarm information, can and send various types of information (verified) about changes in the state of the system to the owner’s mobile phone as well.
Signaling devices also perform an additional function - they scare away potential violators.